Habele Outer Island Scholarship Application:

K12 Scholarship Applications may be submitted by mail to Habele Outer Island Education Fund, 701 Gervais Street, Suite 150-244 Columbia, South Carolina, 29201; or by email to scholarships@habele.org.


Grant Applications many be submitted by mail to Habele Outer Island Education Fund, 701 Gervais Street, Suite 150-244 Columbia, South Carolina, 29201; or by email to contact@habele.org.

Habele Annual Reports:

Annual reports are a useful tool in understanding the broad array of projects and opportunities Habele has provided for Micronesian students and schools. These report also disaggregates how funding is allocated and highlight major programatic accomplishments.

Established by former Peace Corps Volunteers, Habele is a 501(3) nonprofit supporting Micronesian students.