At least one teacher and one student at your school complete an online robotics training course. This free course requires no experience with robotics, and can be completed at your own pace on a computer, tablet or smartphone. You will learn the basics of VEX Robotics operation and instruction.
One staff member, and one student from a participating school complete the course, and post a picture of the completion certicates on Facebook tagging Habele and #HabeleRobo.
School Prize:
The first three schools to complete the challenge will win a 3D printer and operating computer. This prize will be awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis. If your school has already been awarded a 3D printer in a past Certification Challenge, you can win a prize of 3D Printer Accessories (filament, tools, storage) by having a different staff member and student complete the challenge.
Achiever Prizes:
Habele will award a laptop to the first 9th grader, the first 10th grader, the first 11th grader, the first 12th grader, and the first teacher in the FSM to complete the course. Previous Achiever Prize winners are not eligible.
Participation Prize:
Any Robo Club student or staff member can win a custom wireless speaker and charging station for completing the certification challenge. Post a picture of your course certificate on Facebook, tagging Habele and #HabeleRobo
Students and staff who have already completed this training may still participate in the challenge. Using the list of Vex 5 build options here, choose a model (other than the basic clawbot) to build. Complete the build and post a picture to social media, tagging Habele and #HabeleRobo by April 30th, 2022. Want to use your build in an exciting new activity? Put it to work in the labs listed here!
Go to this link, create a profile, and start learning:
Make sure to take only the Vex V5 Certification course. If you have any questions, email