Young Island Readers Advancing Youth Literacy into Yap’s Remote Outer Islands

More than 500 children across Yap State, from birth to age five, are receiving a book each month from Young Island Readers The program, a partnership between US nonprofit Habele and the Imagination Library, aims to foster a lifelong love of learning and literacy but introducing small children to the joys of reading in their own homes.

This week boxes of donated YIR books were packed aboard the Yap State field trip ship, starting the long journey to Yap’s remote Outer Islands, including Woleai, Ifaluk, Lamotrek and Satawal.

Young Island Readers” is a book-a-month donation program that provides children in Yap State from birth to age five a new age appropriate each and every month. In mid-October the 3,000th booked reach the Post Office box of a family on Yap. By the spring, over 550 children across Yap State had signed up to participate.

The heart of Young Island Readers is Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library (DPIL). The Imagination Library was founded and created by songwriter, musician, actress, author and business-woman, Dolly Parton, in her hometown of Sevierville, Tennessee in 1996. She envisioned a community-based program providing children with free, home-delivered books from birth to their 5th birthday.

Habele is the “local affiliate” or on-the-ground partner for DPIL in Micronesia. Established by former Peace Corps Volunteers, Habele is a US nonprofit, invested in the future and potential of Micronesian students since 2006. Though the program is both effective and efficient, there are still ongoing costs borne by Habele and these are generously provided by the individual Americans who support Habele.

On Yap Proper, generous logistical support has been provided by the Yap State Hospital and the Yap Community Health Centers, which raise awareness of the program and collect sign up forms. Families living on Yap have their children’s book delivered directly to their own Post Office boxes. Children in the remote Outer Islands receive their books through support of the Yap State Department of Education’s Neighboring Island Coordinator’s office, as well as the in-kind donation of cargo space aboard airplanes of the Pacific Missionary Airline, which serves those Outer Islands that have paved runways.

Babyor ko btir rom u Habele!

Habele ea bayi pii ko bitir rom bake babyor ni yu puul, nge mada’ ko ngiyal’ nike gamane lal eduw rok’ ni dariy pulwon. Gamad be a thapeg ni ra ilal ma baadag e bieg babyor. Kugoged ni be’eg babyor ko bitir, ma gubine bitir ni baye duuw rok’ ngatanggine laal, mara yog ninge sign faun ngay.

Ba’ba form ni bay ni pii ngom ningam fill nag mag fulweg ko chaan nike piingom, fa min moen’ ngalangin ere box ni baaray ko “Young Island Readers Dropbox.” Fa gara yan kore website ne baaray mag yiloy fidingam u online. Faan ra gamaa paru dakan e nam nu Waab, ma Habele ea bayi pii yuke babyor ngom ni yu puul u P.O. Box. Faan ra gamaa paru Ulithi, Fais fa Woleai, ma ra yibe yuke babyor nem ngomu sikokiy ko PMA. Faan ra gama paru yugrebe donguchen yu Waab, ma ra I yib e yuke babyor nem ngom nikan tay nga mail bag u barkow.

Yal titi babior mirel Habele!

Pangal meram nge Habele yebe fange seew buuku ngali laum saari gasiyee yela gola lago mena galimouwal yaal birthday. Yetoar paluwel iye book kale. Sitipeli be saari laum yebe mesaigeti gare geshangi geragireg iga yebe fefetaltag. Si faseongiu be “Young Island Readers.” Ye tai tiwegil semaliu saari ye chiil ragil faal limou raagi nge yebe mewl tabeye gare fateofato itale.

Gemaneo shagiu babiyor yeel nge gosa gatefali ngali yaremate la ye ganooge, gare iselilong lani Habele Young Island Readers kagool. Gare golago woal be gobe siine longo iyange. Gare go kasog woal Yap, nge yebe seew meram nge Habele yebe fange buuk reel yaamu PO Box. Gare golog woal Ulithi, Fais, Woleai nge PMA yebe gasine tage. Gare golog woal meratag, nge rebe fange tag shiul waafaliuw lani tutul mail.

MicSem Library Set to Reopen in Yap After Successful Fundraiser

Tens of thousands of dollars are headed to Yap to re-open the Micronesian Seminar Library, now situated on the campus of Yap Catholic High School.

Over four decades, Micronesian Seminar built an internationally recognized library of over 120,000 documents, photos and recordings. After MicSem operations ended in 2012 the library was ultimately relocated to the campus of Yap Catholic High School.

Broad public access to Micronesia’s living history, through an actively maintained, growing collection, is vital to realizing the full value of this regional treasure. Father Hezel, in partnership with Yap Catholic’s Father Rich McAuliff, developed a detailed multi-year plan to reopen the MicSem Library. Habele organized a fundraising drive to realize the plan. Individual donations were matched 2-to-1 by Habele’s endowment.

Over the course of the forty-day fundraising drive, $15,233 was donated by fifty-eight individual donors. The sum was matched, two-to-one, with a $30,468 contribution from Habele’s endowment. All told, a total of $45,702 will be issued to Yap Catholic High School in the form of a MicSem specific grant by Habele for the project. A US-based 501c3 nonprofit, Habele was established by former Peace Corps Volunteers to serve students and schools across Micronesia in 2006.

The grant will allow for the final stages of the relocation of the Micronesian Seminar library at Yap Catholic High School. This includes implementing a transitional process for the management of the library from the long-time former curator to the new one as well as providing certain basic equipment needed to service those who utilize the collection in the future. These final steps of the relocation of the MicSem library in Yap will begin once the first portion of grant funds is transferred and essential equipment such as scanners, additional bookshelves and tables needed for the library to go into full operation are purchased.

“It was startling to see how so many people felt so strongly about reestablishing this unequaled Micronesian resource, and preserving and recognizing Father Hezel’s legacy of service and scholarship,” observed Neil Mellen, Executive Director of Habele. “Pride in our shared histories and person-to-person connections remain the vibrant bedrock of the US-Micronesian partnership. Habele is proud to play a minor role in that. Though the formal fundraiser is complete, we intend to continue Habele’s partnership and support of this important, evolving, work in the years ahead.”