Students from Pohnpei make a splash at International robotics competition

The robotics team from Pohnpei Island Central School (PICS) returned from the FIRST Global International Robotics Challenge in Switzerland with the title of “First among small countries,” and a story to encourage their peers across the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM).

The FIRST Global Challenge is an international high school robotics competition, in which small teams representing over 180 countries compete olympics-style for the championship. This year’s competition was held in Geneva, Switzerland, with a challenge built around collaboratively using robotics to address climate change issues. After being accepted to represent the FSM in Switzerland, the team of five students spent the weeks before the competition building and training for the specific tasks in the challenges. This meant ensuring that their competition robot was perfectly equipped to carry out particular movements and actions, while fitting into the guidelines required by FIRST Global.

Getting the team and equipment across the world to Switzerland provided a series of obstacles the robotics club could not train for. As the plane prepared to take off from Pohnpei, one of the trainers was unable to board, due to a paperwork mixup on the visa application. Thanks to the quick support from the U.S. Embassy in Kolonia, the corrected forms were fast tracked, enabling the students’ team leader to catch a later flight, and arrive in Geneva in time for the competition. Another key member of Team FSM was not so lucky. The carefully crafted robot, built and customized by the PICS team, was lost in the connecting flights from Pohnpei to Switzerland. Disaster was averted by the determination of the FSM team, who were able to acquire a new robot, and build it up to the approved competition standards the very same day.

Throughout the three day competition, Team FSM battled it out with teams from 180 countries in a high energy arena, complete with live-streamed commentary. As the competition came to a close, Team FSM stood with two wins, one loss, and no ties.

Returning to Pohnpei with the title of “First among small countries,” the PICS Team was greeted by water cannons saluting their plane as it landed, and a cheering group of dignitaries and students waiting for them off the runway. Honorable Governor Reed Oliver welcomed the team back with encouragement and praise. “You represented not only FSM but Pohnpei, specifically. We thank you for representing us and representing us very well. We are very, very proud of you.”

Fresh back from representing Pohnpei and the FSM on the international stage, the students from PICS will bring fresh encouragement and enthusiasm to their peers in the Pohnpei Robo League. This league is part of the larger Habele Robo League, which equips and supports robotics clubs at high schools across the FSM. Beginning in 2012 at a single school on Yap, the Habele Robo League began as an opportunity for students to participate in hands-on STEM learning, using equipment donated by private partners in the US. Beginning in 2018, a partnership between Habele and the Office of Insular Affairs expanded the Habele Robotics League across the FSM, allowing schools in all four states the opportunity to participate in the only regional STEM program of its kind.

“The Robo League encourages students to become problem solvers who can think on their feet,” said Matt Coleman, Habele’s Director of Operations. “The team from Pohnpei confronted and overcame challenges before they ever got to the competition floor. In my mind they won before it started.”

Established by Peace Corps Volunteers, Habele is a 501(3) nonprofit supporting Micronesian students.

PICS High School Robotics Team visits Governor Oliver ahead of trip to Geneva, Switzerland for the First Global Robotics Challenge

Press release from Pohnpei State Public Information Office. October 7, 2022

Governor Oliver welcomed the PICS High School Robotics team to the Governor’s Office on the morning of October 7, 2022.

The PICS High School Robotics team will be participating in the First Global Robotics Challenge in Geneva, Switzerland representing the Federated States of Micronesia.

 Governor Oliver congratulated each student for their hard work and dedication and expressed his pride in their accomplishments, especially in the field of robotics. He thanked the advisor/teacher Mrs. Tekaeto Diopolous for her guidance and hard work with the students. Governor Oliver wished the students all the best, expressing his gratitude and pride for the team, as they will not only represent their families and their school, but also the State of Pohnpei and the Federated States of Micronesia abroad.  He encouraged the students to continue with their interest in Robotics, and look towards finding solutions through robotics for the challenges we face in our islands. 

The PICS High School team is compromised of Advisor Mrs. Tekaeto Diopolous, Education Specialist Darla Ladore, Chennelle Cantero, Eberhard Salons, J.C. Curley, Einstein Halbert, and Norman Pedrus.

The First Global Challenge is a yearly Olympics-style competition in Robotics, that was created to promote Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education. 

 The 2022 First Global Challenge will be held in Geneva, Switzerland from October 13 – 16, 2022.  Over 180 countries will attend in the spirit of global purpose, unity, and collaboration, for the first time since 2019, because of the global pandemic.

Pohnpei Robo Day 2022!

Teams of students from public and private schools across Pohnpei gathered in the Our Lady of Mercy Catholic High School gymnasium to showcase their robotics achievements for “Robo Day 2022.” This annual gathering offers high school robotics clubs an opportunity to close out the school year by matching skills with peers in a friendly competition open to the public. 

For the island of Pohnpei, located  in the Federated States of Micronesia, Habele’s Pohnpei Robo League represents the premiere Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) opportunity for high school students. The Pohnpei Robo League encourages hands on experimentation with complex technology, problem solving, and teamwork, even for students who might not see themselves as “math and science” enthusiasts. Since its inception in 2018, the League has emphasized a student-driven learning process, with participants encouraged to explore and experiment with their equipment.

In the 2022 competition, students built robots to move through a set field of play, picking up objects with differing point values and depositing them in “scoring zones,” as well as maneuvering through an obstacle course. 

The winners for this year’s Robo Day are:

1st – Our Lady of Mercy Catholic High School

2nd – Pohnpei Catholic High School

3rd – Pohnpei Island Central High School

4th – Calvary Christian Academy

5th – Pohnpei Seventh Day Adventist School

6th – Nanpei Memorial High School

While Robo Day draws the most public awareness to the Robo League, it represents the culmination of a year of opportunities for participating schools. Pohnpei high schools have seen integration of 3D Printing, robotics certification courses, as well as buildouts of wireless networks for distance learning during the pandemic. 

Habele, a US nonprofit enables and equips high schools in the Robo League across all four of the Federated States of Micronesia. Habele was founded by former Peace Corps volunteers who taught in Micronesia. The nonprofit first introduced robotics to Micronesia in 2011.

Support from the US Government comes through the Office of Insular Affair, which provides technical assistance funding for development projects in Micronesia.The US-FSM relationship is historically, strategically, and politically unique. Shared goals of regional openness and sustainable development are based on decades of common history and partnership.

Habele’s Robo League is building the knowledge and skills of future island leaders. These leaders will tackle complex multi-faceted challenges. At the same time, Habele is deepening the US-FSM partnership, ensuring those challenges can be faced as a team.

building the knowledge and skills of future island leaders. These leaders will tackle complex multi-faceted challenges. At the same time, Habele is deepening the US-FSM partnership, ensuring those challenges can be faced as a team.

Pohnpei high school students leverage online training for STEM development

Students at high schools participating in the Habele Robo League across the FSM are taking advantage of online training opportunities to develop new skills for their school robotics clubs. At Our Lady of Mercy Catholic High School in Pohnpei, seven students and a teacher recently completed a twenty-hour training course to become certified in the basics of VEX V5 robotics. 

This course was introduced to schools in the 2019-20 school year through the Habele Certification Challenge, a program incentivizing staff and students to pursue individual learning, with an emphasis on developing opportunities for peer-to-peer instruction. This year, schools were again invited to participate in the certification challenge, with both new students and veteran students incentivized to grow their knowledge of core materials. Schools with a staff member and student earning certification were awarded a 3D printer to add a new dimension of hands on technical training for robotics clubs. Our Lady of Mercy Catholic High School was one of the first schools to add a 3D printer to their school’s STEM capacity, and continues to set the pace this year for students engaging in technical training and growth. 

OLMCHS’s online robotics training is supported by a robust wireless network, which was equipped in the early days of the pandemic by a partnership between Habele and the Office of Insular affairs. This buildout of wireless capacity served the dual purpose of providing schools with the capacity to still make use of expatriate teachers (across a variety of subjects), and allowing robotics clubs to independently engage with STEM learning online. 

Habele is a US nonprofit, established by former Peace Corps Volunteers, that serves students and schools across Micronesia. Habele provides tuition scholarships, book donations, tools for traditional craftsmen, and introduced high school-based robotics to the FSM in 2011. Support for the Robo League comes through a partnership with the Office of Insular Affairs. 

Any student at a participating Robo League high school in Micronesia is invited to take the training challenge. All details can be found at

3D Printers bring additive manufacturing to Micronesian classrooms


This December, high school students in Yap and Pohnpei used their own 3D printers to successfully create three dimensional models. These cutting edge, additive manufacturing machines were provided by Habele, the US non profit that also led the training.

Participating schools earned the premium 3D printers in 2020 for excellence in completing Habele’s “Robotics Certification Challenge,” a challenge requiring staff and students at high schools across Micronesia to successfully complete a robotics certification course. 3D printing provides Robo League students with even more hands on exposure to advanced technology, while giving endless opportunity for creative exploration.

The students’ first print was a reticulated, three dimensional model of a gecko lizard. This demonstrated the ability of the printers to “print in place,” or to print movable joints, without having to assemble individual parts. As the printers whirred in the background, students learned the essentials of using the machines, as well as the applications and benefits of the technology.

“The principles and coding used in these machines is directly applicable to real world manufacturing processes,” said Neil Mellen, founder of Habele. “Printers like this were used in the United States to produce parts for respirators during early days of the pandemic.”

The students also learned how 3D printing enriches their work in the Habele Robo League. In addition to printing standard replacement parts, students will be able to innovate components of their own design. Equally important, the new 3D printers will help schools reduce their dependency on imported parts for robotics, as well as other educational materials.

The Habele Robo League, which serves public and private high schools across all four Micronesian States, is funded through support from the Office of Insular Affairs. “We are proud to be part of the vibrant and empowering partnership that has characterized U.S.- Micronesian relations for so many decades,” said Mellen.

Pohnpei Science Fair Highlights Robotics Learning

In May, students from high schools and elementary schools across Pohnpei gathered for the 2021 Science Fair at Pohnpei Island Central School (PICS). The PICS booth showcased the achievements of the school’s Robo Club, including a full scale competition game board for visitors to try their hand at directing robots through various challenges.

In addition to opportunities for hands-on interaction with robotics, PICS displayed their state-of-the-art 3D printer, one of the few to be found in the islands. The printer will be used to fabricate custom parts for robotics builds and competitions, while growing student knowledge of a rapidly evolving technology. PICS was one of four high schools across the Federated States of Micronesia to be awarded a 3D printer, after having robotics instructors and students successfully complete a virtual robotics certification course.

PICS has been a member of the Habele Robo League since 2018, and is one of 23 participating high schools across the FSM.


Robo Day 2021 in Pohnpei, Micronesia

Students from high schools across Pohnpei gathered in mid-April for “Robo Day 2021” to showcase their achievements in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

The young men and women from Pohnpei, an island in the Federated States of Micronesia, worked throughout the school year in preparation for the competition.

Robo Days culminate the school year long robotics league, which serves public and private students across all four Micronesian States.

Robotics offers Micronesian students a strong grounding in problem solving. It sparks learning by letting them experiment with ideas in real world situations.

The Robo League is student driven and responsive to learners’ interest. It engages students who might not think of themselves as “math and science types.”

Habele, a US nonprofit, organizes, equips and trains high schools in the Robo League. Habele was founded by former Peace Corps volunteers who taught in Micronesia. The nonprofit first introduced robotics to Micronesia in 2011.

Support from the US Government comes through the Office of Insular Affair, which provides technical assistance funding for development projects in Micronesia.

The US-FSM relationship is historically, strategically, and politically unique. Shared goals of regional openness and sustainable development are based on decades of common history and partnership.

Habele’s Robo League is building the knowledge and skills of future island leaders. These leaders will tackle complex multi-faceted challenges. At the same time, Habele is deepening the US-FSM partnership, ensuring those challenges can be faced as a team.

With elimination matches completed by mid afternoon, the field was slowly narrowed and the Pohnpei Robo Day winners were announced:

  1. Our Lady of Mercy Catholic High School
  2. Calvary Christian Academy
  3. Pohnpei Island Central School

“Robo Day” Big Win for Students in Micronesia

Robo Day 2019 is in the record books for students in Yap, Chuuk and Pohnpei States. After a year of training, planning, and strategizing, students from participating high schools in each of these states met to exhibit their skills in the spirit of friendly competition. For Chuuk and Pohnpei, Robo Day 2019 represented their first year of participation in the Habele Robo League. While Yap State has blazed a trail with robotics for over five years now, their Robo Day competition also saw new faces. Neighboring Islands Central High School (NICHS) from remote Woleai Atoll, and Yap International Christian School both fielded teams for the first time.

Despite the recent introduction to robotics for the majority of participants, the level of engagement, innovation, and excitement is extremely high. Students have thrown themselves into the training- and into the spirit of competition – with energy that is a pleasure to watch. From state to state, these competitions showed real diversity of robot design and strategy. Schools are making the league their own, and personalizing their experience. It’s wonderful to see. One of the most noticeable elements of all three Robo Day competitions is the clear partnership and support between the teams. Everyone participating wants to see their peers from other schools succeed. This was demonstrated in cheering for other teams during competition, lending tools and parts, and jumping in to lend a hand when another team needed technical support. The Yap Robo League deserves a word of commendation for the ownership shown by the students. Their Student Leadership Team was instrumental in planning out the details of Yap Robo Day, and actually running the event. These young people are clearly mastering more than robotics! Now that students in Chuuk and Pohnpei have a full year of Robo League under their belts, it will be exciting to see what they come up with in the next year. Based on their tremendous success in the pilot year of the program, great things are ahead.

These exceptional events would not take place without the tremendous amount of work and care invested by school administrators, teachers, coaches, departments of education  and community partners. It is the hours put in behind the scenes by these fine folks that helps really bring an opportunity like the Robo League to life for the young people. After seeing the smiling faces of the students operating their robots, holding up their medals, or taking a “Champions” trophy home to their school, it is not a mystery why our partners work so hard to support the Robo Leagues.

On to the Robo Day Results!

Yap State
1st Place – Outer Islands High School
2nd Place – Neighboring Islands  Central High School
3rd Place –  Yap Catholic High School

Chuuk State
1st Place – Xavier High School
2nd Place – Chuuk High School
3rd Place – Saramen Chuuk Academy

Pohnpei State
1st Place – Nanpei  Memorial High School
2nd Place  – Our Lady of Mercy Catholic High School
3rd Place – Ponphei Island Central  School

We join with our partners in congratulating all the students who competed in Robo Day 2019. Each and every of them gave it their best work, and it was obvious to everyone in attendance.

As of now, Kosrae State remains the only state in the FSM not participating in the Habele Robo League. Our hope is to bring the same opportunities to students in Kosrae soon. Established by former Peace Corps volunteers, Habele is a US-based nonprofit, advancing educational access and accomplishment in Micronesian communities. The Habele Robo League is made possible by a grant from the Department of the Interior, Office of Insular Affairs.