Habele serves students and schools across Micronesia.
A nonprofit created by former Peace Corps Volunteers, Habele supports island students by:

Scholarships. Habele awards needs-based scholarships to students at Micronesia’s top rated private elementary and high schools.

Books. Habele donates books to school libraries across the Federated States, and mails books directly to children before they enter Kindergarten.

Robotics. Habele equips, trains and organizes robotics teams at high schools in all four Micronesian states.

Traditional Skills. Habele provides carvers, weavers and other traditional craftsmen with specialty tools, supporting these mentors as they preserve cultural skills.

Habele is a network of Americans and Micronesians who share the belief that each island child –no matter how isolated– deserves the chance to reach their full potential. These locally-driven programs prepare Micronesian children to thrive in their villages and beyond the reef.

If you believe in the potential of children in the remote islands of the western Pacific, join us!

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