Months ago, Habele’s volunteers gathered books for the students and educators on the small isolated Atoll of Eauripik in Yap State, Micronesia. Habele donors contributed to have them sent.

Book donations for Micronesia (FSM) from Habele, a nonprofit established by former Peace Corps Volunteers.

The books made it Guam, then south to Yap Proper, and finally all the way to Eauripik aboard the small state-owned field trip ship. A teacher who took the ship back into Yap relays:

I would like to take this opportunity to extend our most sincere appreciation and million thanks to the people who donated to us the books and all the supports that sent from that part of the world and we will always cherish your kindness and look forward to continue communicating with you and all the supporters. Till then we remain with the highest esteem.

-Carlos Mailmog, Eauripik Community School
Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)

Book donations for Micronesia (FSM) from Habele, a nonprofit established by former Peace Corps Volunteers.

Sending books to schools and school-based libraries in Micronesia is simple. Learn more here.

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